A timeless experience that will support you at every stage of your compassionate horsemanship journey.
Where the worlds of intuitive horsewomanship, personal growth, spirituality and embracing your humanness come together as one.
Are you ready to thrive?

the field is for you if you are a compassionate equestrian who...
❀ Desires to form a stronger authentic connection with yourself and your horse/s at a physical, emotional and spiritual level
❀ Is craving more joy, creativity and intuitive flow in your life and during the time you spend with your horse/s
❀ Is ready to shift from seeking external validation and external motivation to honouring internal validation and self motivation
❀ Knows that your horse is one of your biggest spiritual guides and you wish to open yourself up to receive and learn even more from them
❀ Feels like you are in a phase where you have a blank canvas with your horse (regardless of how experienced you are) and you want to move forward in a way that feels aligned for both of you and alchemise anything in your field that is no longer serving you
❀ Is excited to solidify your foundation with timeless compassionate horsewomanship, mindset and spiritual knowledge and principles that will allow you to feel empowered, trusting and true to your heart and soul
If ALL of these resonate with you...
It's your turn to enter the field and cultivate a playground for yourself and your horse/s that feels so freaking good.
The Magic Is Real
Whilst the field is a new experience, I am confident that you can be inspired by the these testimonials lovingly shared by clients who have participated in compassionate horsemanship mentorship experiences with me in the past.
the field is going to take this to a whole new level.

Navigating your compassionate horsemanship journey is an incredible endeavour and encompasses way more than teaching your horse different groundwork exercises.
You will be invited to reclaim your truth.
To let your horse guide you.
To honour your intuition.
To cultivate compassion.
To take responsibility.
To open your heart.
To feel emotions.
To flow.
And after successfully mentoring hundreds of equestrians from around the world and traversing this path myself, I know exactly how to guide you through it all in the smoothest, most empowering way possible.
Welcome to the field.
Our Plan
When you sign up to the field you'll dive into an introduction video to determine the best pathway for you to move through this program based on what is surfacing for you and your horse. Then you'll make your way through the following video and audio lessons in the way that works best for you.
Modules 1-3 focus on you and your horse and explores the what, why and how based on the topic of the lesson. Plus, I answer all the common questions related to each lesson and in module 3 you also receive video examples of me working with different horses.
This isn't just a horsewomanship course, it is a change your life course.

Module 1: Calibrating Your Field
- The Field Of Truth: reconnect to your heart and souls desire and create a baseline of what horsewomanship authentically means to you.
- Elevating Your Physical Field: cultivate an environment that allows yourself and your horse to thrive.
- Marinating In Your Energy Field: create space in your energy field to welcome in your intuitive gifts and listen to your horses guidance.
- Feeling Your Emotional Field: understand your emotions, expand your capacity feel joy and experience life in all it's textures.
- Cultivating Peace In Your Mental Field: align your thoughts with the beliefs that your higher self embodies, quieten your mind & allow your intelligence to shine.
- The Field Of Regulation: honour your bodies wisdom and curate the safety you and your horse need to allow healthy nervous system regulation.

Module 2: The Principles
- The Horse-Human Relationship Field: strengthen your relationship with your horse and set a foundation built on trust.
- The Field Of Motivation: explore intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to find what makes you and your horse tick.
- The Field Of Shaping: dive into the art of breaking things down into small pieces, finding your flow and trusting your next step.
- Refining Your Communication Field: understand what your horse is communicating with you, curate a language you can both share together and connect with ease.
- Expanding Your Confidence Field: use consent based training to set yourself and your horse up for success in any environment with any thing.
- Bringing It All Together: simplify your flow with your horse and explore a powerful problem solving matrix that harnesses the magic of everything we have explored so far.

Module 3: Lessons In The Field
- Connection: tune in to having an amazing session with your horse, explore the art of mindful introductions, welcome in conscious touch, embrace stillness and allow softness through connection to contact.
- Positive Reinforcement Tools: teach your horse food manners, targeting, start buttons and learn how to weave all of this into a training regime that works for you and your horse.
- Groundwork: curate the lightest connection and set your horse up for success from the ground up through leading consciously, the back up, the hindquarter yield, the forequarter yield, lateral flexion, the shoulder yield and circling.
- Exposure Training: empower yourself and your horse with consent based exposure training that honours both of your emotions. Introduce them to different things approaching them, touching them, moving around them and making noises.

Module 4: Inner Alchemy
- Navigating The Compassionate Horsemanship Rabbit Hole: understand the different phases you might flow through along your journey and how to follow what feels right and true for you along the way.
- Breaking Through Avoidance Patterns: cultivate the safety you need at a nervous system level to take the action you desire to take.
- Overcoming Fear: listen to, feel and learn from your fear so you can successfully alchemise it and thrive
- Perfection vs Imperfection: shower yourself with love, be grateful for the lessons learned and celebrate your uniqueness
- Cultivating Smooth Transitions: be gentle with yourself as you navigate endings and new beginnings

Module 5: Playing In The Field
- Your Playground: reclaim your power, unleash your creativity, have fcking fun and curate your life YOUR WAY
- Honouring Your Alignment: stay in your own lane and feel freaking amazing about it
- Celebrating How Far You Have Come: your inner child is about to be so damn proud
- Holding The Highest Vision: because anything is possible
- Motivation Boost: your new secret weapon to remind you who the fck you are and what you are going to do about it
- The Ripple Effect: marinate in gratitude and awe for this wonderful journey you are on
Join the field today and receive instant and lifetime access to this incredible self study experience
the field self study course is usually priced very generously at $2222 AUD (the value inside is next level) which makes this offer plus bonuses INSANEEEEEEEEEEEE IN THE BEST OF WAYS!!
What time will the 12 weekly live Zoom coaching calls be starting in April?
What if I have questions as I am going through The Field?
Can we connect with other members of The Field?
How is the program structured and much time do I need to spend on the program?
Can I still ride while doing the program?
Is it R+ or R- based?
Is The Field suitable for all experience levels (horse and human)?
I have purchased horsemanship courses from you in the past, how is this different?
If you have another question about the field please email [email protected] and we will be happy to answer if for you!
The Magic Is Real
Whilst the field is a new experience, I am confident that you can be inspired by the these testimonials lovingly shared by clients who have participated in compassionate horsemanship mentorship experiences with me in the past.
the field is going to take this to a whole new level.

Meet your mentor
Hi I'm Felicity Davies, and I founded the field for one simple reason: I know how it feels to be you.
When I first started on my horsemanship journey, I was competing and had spent years focussed on my riding but not much time on my groundwork, relationship with my horse and my connection to myself. My horses would often be hard to catch, I struggled to handle them on the ground, I felt bucket loads of guilt and shame acknowledging that they weren't happy and I was struggling to find a horsemanship mentor that I resonated with. It was really tough.
Now that my eyes had been opened to a different way of working with horses, I couldn't unsee what was surfacing with my horses. This led me on a huge journey that ultimately took me from sucking at groundwork to creating a career as a horse trainer within 1.5 years. It's a crazy story that involved me stopping competing, working with a trainer overseas, diving into all the courses, implementing with my own horses, playing with friends horses, learning a lot and then ultimately getting clients. Oh and I also went through a huge spiritual awakening. It was big!
I felt like I had cracked the code and wanted everyone to know about it and this led me to create online offerings to teach people what I had learned so they could implement it with their horses. Over the last 5+ years I have supported hundreds of equestrians from around the world through different compassionate horsemanship experiences. Regardless of their experience level, their horses experience level or the problem they were facing, every single client who leant in to these journeys had life changing results.
Alongside learning amazing compassionate horsemanship principles and exercises, one of the huge reasons for my clients success was due to the mindset work they also received which is why the field is rich with personal growth goodness.
I know what it is like to traverse all of the different stages of the compassionate horsewomanship journey AND I know how to support a broad range of people and horses through it too. I have packaged this wisdom into the field and I am so excited for you to dive in and immerse yourself in this timeless knowledge that will elevate your relationship with your horses and transform your whole life.
See you in the field,
Felicity x