Your horse is guiding you to activate your magic and embrace who you truly are at a soul level 🪄

Are you ready?


✅ You are ready to strengthen your intuition and gain a deeper insight into what your own wisdom feels like

✅ You are excited to form a stronger connection with yourself and your soul horse/s

✅ You are ready to take your self-trust, self-love and personal power to the next level

✅ You are curious about activating your intuitive gifts and have always been fascinated by animal communication.

✅ You would love to learn how to read energy, receive messages and clearly convey messages received from animals

✅ You are excited to open up and go on an incredible group experience where we will learn, heal and evolve together

If ALL of these resonate with you...

You will absolutely love The Intuitive Equestrian!

The magic is real


The Intuitive Equestrian takes place over 12 transformative weeks and will guide you on a journey back home to yourself...


This experience encompasses a beautiful harmony of:


  • Weekly group Zoom calls where you will receive tailored support both at an individual level and as a group, allowing you to tune into your body, release anything holding you back, own your magic and form stronger connections with your soul horse/s.


  • Self-guided learning, meditation and integration exercises through The Intuitive Equestrian online course.


  • Messaging support to help you navigate anything that arises on your path with ease.


  • Community connection and weekly practice opportunities that will leave you deeply knowing that you are not making any of this up because everyone else is receiving similar messages or having a parallel experience.

The magic is real

Through The Intuitive Equestrian online course, you will explore teachings and meditations about...

Intuition 101

Connect with your strongest intuitive senses as you learn about the different types of intuitive messages you can receive

Intuition through the lens of Human Design: Uncover your intuitive gifts at a soul level.

Muscle Testing: AKA an amazing practice you can use to support you to get out of your head and tune in to your bodies wisdom in an instant

Energetic Protocols

Cleanse, ground & protect your energy so you can set beautiful energetic boundaries, allowing you to embrace your magic whilst still creating space to connect with others (without letting their energy consume you).

Release energy from you that isn't yours so you can stay in your own beautiful energy field and let go of anything you have picked up from others that is not serving you.

Experiment with Sacred Geometry, allow yourself to connect with their frequency and work with them to support you in your practice

Energetically cleanse, ground and protect spaces/environments, loved ones and animals (with their souls permission of course) using the protocols you have learnt.

Chakras: tune in to the different energy centres in your body and your horses body and understand the themes and colours associated with each chakra.


Cultivating Safety In Your Body

Receive transmissions to support you on your Spiritual Awakening so you can know that you're not making it up, how to come out of the spiritual closet, how to feel safe enough to be in your own energy and trust your intuition and how to feel safe enough to receive messages from your own horses.

✨Plus, you'll learn about processing your emotions and be gentle with yourself each step of the way 

Connecting with your Spirit Guides

Learn about the different types of Spirit Guides you can connect with

✨Go on a journey to from a relationship with your own Spirit Guide/s - they are amazing at supporting you with any question and you will learn so much from them.

Animal Communication

I'll guide you step by step through two amazing meditations that will allow you to connect with an animal (by tuning into their frequency), receive messages from them and ask them questions.

Learn how to connect with and receive messages from their chakras

You'll learn how to incorporate this work into your time with your horse, both in person and at a distance

Acknowledge the responsibility of this work and tune into how to best share the messages you receive (if you are connecting with an animal for someone else)


The Akashic Records

Go on a journey to enter the Akashic Records and explore your room and the rooms of others (with their soul's permission). This is another incredible way for you to receive messages about the soul you are connecting with and add further depth to your connections. 

During our weekly calls, we will explore...

Cultivating Safety In Your Body

As a collective, we have been heavily conditioned to not listen to our intuition and instead outsource our opinions to others. We have been led to believe that this is the safest way to live our lives. However, this is not true. 

The safest way to move through life is to listen to our own inner wisdom because your intuition has never led you astray, and your emotions always contain important messages for you to receive. 

So, as we go on this journey together, we will explore how to feel safe enough to listen to our intuition and our body's wisdom. 

You will receive guidance, group healings and support to connect with your body, let go of anything holding you back and step into your power.

Your Horse As Your Guide

Throughout your experience in The Intuitive Equestrian, you will be encouraged to learn from your horse during your physical and energetic interactions.

You will expand your capacity to give and receive love.
You will lean into the lessons your horse is teaching you.
You will open your eyes to the reflections they are offering you.
You will learn to open up even more and allow them to guide you.

And the group and I will be there to support you every step of the way.

Intuitively guided meditations, activations and profound group healing experiences await you.

The next round of The Intuitive Equestrian starts on the 2nd of September 2024.


Over 12 weeks you will receive:

  • Weekly 90-minute live group Zoom calls led by Felicity Davies (12 in total)
    • Wednesdays at 8pm EST US time
    • Thursdays 10am AEST Aussie time (this will change when daylight savings shifts to correlate with the US time)
    • The calls will be intuitively guided and tailored to best support the group.
  • Lifetime access to The Intuitive Equestrian online course containing teachings and meditations for you to explore at your own pace
  • Access to an amazing group community where you can practice together each week, ask questions, receive support and share wins 

This is designed to be an intimate group experience where everyone participates, heals and elevates together.



$925 AUD



$2555 AUD




If you have any other questions please just message me on social media or email [email protected]

Be inspired by some of my incredible Intuitive Equestrian graduates


The magic is real